Health Surveys
Health Surveys: MedVeritas has a long history and experience in conducting high-quality, complex surveys at national, provincial and district levels. MedVeritas experts design and implement or adopt s...
Health Surveys: MedVeritas has a long history and experience in conducting high-quality, complex surveys at national, provincial and district levels. MedVeritas experts design and implement or adopt s...
Programme Evaluation: MedVeritas provides multifaceted, high-quality and cost-effective evaluation of programmes. According to the scope and evaluation approach specified by the client, MedVeritas exp...
Research and Evaluation Healthcare Evaluation: MedVeritas provides rigorous assessments of health services. MedVeritas experts have the knowledge and expertise to propose and implement potential evalu...
Project – Intervention – Strategy Monitoring and Evaluation (M &E) MedVeritas provides multidisciplinary and multi-level evaluation of individual interventions within programmes. Diffe...