Research Studies

MedVeritas conducts research studies of different designs and objectives, including:

Health Surveys

MedVeritas has a long history and experience in conducting high-quality, complex surveys at national, provincial and district levels. MedVeritas experts design and implement or adopt standard methodological approaches including sampling, data collection, data management, statistical analysis, and reporting. MedVeritas has well-trained data collectors covering all governorates nationwide.  Implemented surveys include but are not limited to:

  • baseline surveys,
  • disease mapping,
  • needs assessment surveys,
  • knowledge, attitudes, and practices assessment surveys,
  • perception surveys,  
  • post-intervention coverage surveys,
  • serological surveys,
  • transmission assessment surveys, and
  • impact surveys

Interventional Studies

MedVeritas experts design and implement interventional studies to assess the intervention per se, including randomized and non-randomized trials.

Diagnostic Test Evaluation Studies

MedVeritas assesses the diagnostic accuracy and utility of diagnostic tests in community settings through field evaluations of diagnostic tests.

Data Collection

MedVeritas performs professional, timely and cost-effective data collection services, including the collection of quantitative and qualitative data. MedVeritas has experts in developing and validating data collection tools and has well-trained data collectors with access to all districts in Yemen, good communication with local communities and familiarity with different data collection techniques. MedVeritas applies quality control measures to ensure the high quality and privacy of the data collected.